The group predominantly specialises in mining, construction, international logistics along fleet management, industrial procurement for cement and textiles plants, and a start-up technology business in Afghanistan. The technology business along the mining business is overseen by our expert sister company, Akbarzai Tech UK in The United Kingdom and a specialist affiliate renewable technologies organisation, Think Renewables Inc in Canada.
For over four decades the group has remained a pioneering and key player of numerous edible and non-edible items been imported and exported to and from Afghanistan and Pakistan to the rest of the world and vice versa. With the passage of time, the consolidated containers trade has waned but not obliterated and the group has seen a paradigm shift in Afghanistan’s mining and technology industries at its primitive phases. The group’s and the CEO’s vision is to become one of the first top-tier and most experienced companies within the mining and technology industry in Afghanistan.
Afghanistan’s mining sector is estimated to be worth up to USD 1 trillion – Currently, the group is handling 10% of total coal exports of the country and is on the look for iron mines to fulfil a client enquiry and instruction that demands over 10,000 metric tonnes of raw iron per month. We are also keen on facilitating services for the lithium industry of Afghanistan, once we have the heads up from the government. Our overseas technology companies along our parent company are working very closely with MoMP (Ministry of Mines & petroleum Afghanistan), USGS (United States geological survey) along national and international investors.